Letter to PHS Seniors and their Families

Dear PHS seniors and families of seniors, 
While the plan moving forward includes a formal graduation ceremony at the St. Charles Family Arena on Thursday, July 16, we will be distributing diplomas to PHS graduating seniors on Thursday, June 4 from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. (no appointment needed).
The distribution point will be under the bridge at the main entrance to PHS. Students and family members should remain in their automobile as diplomas are given to our seniors.  
To make the process as special as we can for our seniors, we plan on adding some "pomp and circumstance" and will be inviting our staff to safely attend as we hand out diplomas on June 4. I encourage you to have your senior dress in their cap and gown.
We will also have designated areas in the stadium complex for the purpose of picture taking, if parents/graduates wish to take their own pictures.  Formal pictures will not be provided on June 4.  We ask that everyone please follow safe social distancing guidelines.


When formal graduation takes place on July 16, students will need to bring their diploma cover to this event for ceremonious purposes.  Formal pictures will be taken by Wagner Portrait on July 16.  Unfortunately,  the senior stoles that everyone was supposed to receive were not available yesterday as the factory that produces these stoles has not been operating due to the pandemic.  When the senior stoles arrive, I will notify seniors and their families.


While this is certainly not what we envisioned, my hope is that all graduating seniors will have their diploma in hand on June 4 and receive appreciation and recognition.  If you are unable to pick up your diploma on June 4, diplomas will be available for pick up at PHS during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. after June 4.


In addition, I have included a list that describes the academic honors & cords/stoles that were distributed on May 26.  If you have any questions about honors cords that were passed out, please call or email me and the concerns will be addressed.
Joe Dobrinic
PHS Building Principal
(314) 213-8133


Academic Honors & Cords/Stoles 
Honor Cords
A gold cord signifies graduation with honors 
A blue & white cord signifies membership in Rho Kappa 
A blue & white cord signifies active membership in DECA the Association of Marketing Students
A silver and ruby cord signifies active membership in the National Forensic League
A purple cord signifies over 150 hours of community service 
A gold and red honor cord signifies membership in the Spanish National Honor Society
A dark gold cord signifies A+ status  
A gold red and black honor cord signifies membership in the Delta Epsilon Phi National German Honor Society
 A red cord signifies active membership in FCCLA 
 A royal blue cord signifies active membership in Student Council
 A blue and yellow cord signifies membership in the Quill and Scroll Journalism Honor Society  
A royal blue and gold cord signifies membership in Key Club
A white cord signifies completion and certification in the Certified Nurses Assistant Program 
A red, white and royal blue cord signifies Biliteracy Certification
A red Cord signifies earned honors within International Club  
A royal blue/silver braided cord signifies graduating from St. Louis Community College’s Boeing Pre-Employment Program 
A rainbow cord signifies membership in National Art Honor Society 
A light blue and navy blue cord signifies completion of a Career Certification (1st responder, skilled trades, culinary, human services, etc.) 
A pink cord signifies honor distinction in music 
A purple, gold and green cord signifies membership in Science National Honor Society
Stoles (that were received on May 26)
A white stole signifies active membership in the National Honor Society
 A blue stole with the ITS symbol signifies active membership in the International Thespian Society
 A black, red, green and yellow stole signifies membership in the African American Achievers Society 


A medal signifies “Most Valuable Pirate” Award Recipient

23-24 Supply Lists


Hours: 8:55am - 3:40pm

Phone: (314) 213-8017

Attendance: (314) 213-8117

Fax: (314) 213-8617

Address: 2905 Rose Acres Lane
Maryland Heights, Missouri 63043

Principal: Dr. Adam Crnko

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